[Note: there are four seperate but connected programs in this series. I happened to catch the show dealing with debt.]
The Millionaire Inside--Debt Free hosted by Erin Burnett. Mentors for this episode include:
- David Bach author of The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich
- Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
- Larry Winget is the author of It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your Success Is Your Own Damn Fault
- and Jennifer Openshaw author of The Millionaire Zone: Seven Winning Steps to a Seven-Figure Fortune
and founder of WFN.
- becoming a millionaire has two key components--get out of debt and use debt to build wealth
- MI looks at the new face of debt...debt doesn't discriminate, it touches everyone...Americans are spending too much and saving to little
- recognize your mistakes, debt can creep up when you lest expect it
- controlling $$ means controlling destiny
- before things can get better they must get worse
- it's OK to feel bad about what you've done BUT turn the negative into a positive change
- figure out exactly where your $$ is going
- find a way to make more $$ and pay yourself first, save even while paying down debt
- NO--bankruptcy should not be your first choice
- bankruptcy will destroy your credit and your future
- BUT if you do go bankrupt, don't despair, there is hope
- investing in financial education is very important
- rich or poor, smart or not smart we all use $$
- the more you know, the more money you'll make
- take responsibility for your actions, have integrity
- stand by agreements and honor your word
- doing the right thing always pays off in the long term
- control your money & your life
- plan your future now
- avoid bankruptcy
- you can get out of debt
You keep turning to plastic and plastic keeps turning you upside down--we are a maxed out nation
Credit Card Debt
- Sharon Epperson author of The Big Payoff: 8 Steps Couples Can Take to Make the Most of Their Money--and Live Richly Ever After
- CC companies prey on people who make $$
- average person carries way too much debt, most have carryover monthly balances
- CC companies don't want you to pay, that's how they make money (ie. late fees, over limit fees)
- CC companies profit from penalty fees, it's big business, don't get sucked in
- how can you beat the CC companies at their own game? implement a plan to help you reduce your debt
- Americans love to overspend--a lobster lifestyle on a tunafish budget
- if you have to charge it, do you really need it?
- don't stoop to competing with the neighbors
- do what's right for you and live on a budget
- only spend $$ on things you really use--every penny counts, think about every purchase
- start by paying debt with highest interest first
- ask for a lower interst rate, especially if your a long time customer
- wipe out CC debt as fast as you can
- use other CC offers to negotiate better rates
- know your CC rate
- be persistent, be firm and stand your ground
- it's important to knock debt out fast, attack debt that you know you can eliminate
- plastic isn't the problem, your spending is
- consolidation is an option, but paying more than the minimum is better
- consolidation scams are everywhere, BE CAREFUL
- don't use a home equity loan to pay down debt--that's converting a short term debt into a long term debt
- only borrow to invest IF your return rate is higher than your interest rate
- NO--under no circumstance should you cash out a 401k
- change your habits and cut back
- there are penalties for cashing out a 401k early
- your 401k should grow, leave it alone
- make contributions to your 401k so your comapny matches (if an option), it's free $$
- department store cards are the worst, they are designed to rip you off; high interest rates and they will not negotiate
- get rid of all CCs but one, use only for emergencies
- call and negotiate interest rates
- tackle small debts first
- beware of debt consolidation scams
- don't waste $$
- mistakes are OK, learn from them
Medical Debt
- the #1 cause of bankruptcy
- the US is in a health care crisis, people with no insurance or the under insured drowning in medical debt
- need to make health insurance a priority
- cut spending and get yourself health insurance
- debt is debt, make payments and work it off
- try and negotiate a payment program; if you have been delinquent explain it on your credit report
- scrutinize your medical bills for mistakes and/or over billing
- try to communicate with your creditors, this will help you deal with your debt
- with 44 million people without insurance check with your states high risk insurance programs
- reverse mortgage
- a VIATICAL can be used to get cash for medical bills
- long-term insurance(s) for parents a must
- medical debt can destroy your credit
- medicare/medicaide don't cut it anymore, keep yourelf healthy and avoid getting sick
- negotiate with medical providers
- consider long-term care insurance
- carefully review medical bills
- stay healthy
Student Loans
Debt can make ou rich, the secret is knowing how to leverage to build wealth.Q: Are student loans good debt?
Q: How should people approach paying down student loans?
- take our time especially on low interest loans
- prioritize--home purchase, consumer debt, etc.
- consolidate to cut costs
- eliminate bad debt and take on good debt
- BAD DEBT--debt you have to pay for
- GOOD DEBT--debt other people pay for
- your home is a good investment, but a bad debt; buy an affordable home that you can pay down
- invest in rental properties, let tenants pay the mortgage
- by a property when tenants can pay the loans
- real estate is a finance deal
- owning a property is a way to get tax deductions
- know the rules of the game and play it well
- get a business partner, this will allow you to invest as you get out of debt
- place your savings in interest bearing accounts
- gear up to find good deals on home purchases
- always invest in yourself first, get educated and make smart decisions
- you want high returns, so think through investments
- don't rush to pay of student loans
- leverage to build wealth
- save and invest as you pay down debt
- educate yourself on the rules of money
Q: What is one thing we can do tomorrow to start getting out of debt and on the road to wealth?- make a list of all the "people" you owe money to and hang it on your frig--decide which debt you are going to get rid of first and start making lines through each as you eliminate them one by one
- open up your checkbook, take a look at your top five expenses and look for ways you can free up $300 and put it in a savings account until you can make your first investment purchase or start a business
- call all your credit cards and ask what your interest rate is--then negotiate for a lower rate, be persistent and keep calling
- figure out how much money you are making, then figure out how much you owe, cut back your lifestyle so what you owe is less than what you earn
- Your Guide to Wealth 8/8/07
- Your Guide to Retiring Rich 8/13/07
- Debt Free 7/24/07 & 8/20/07
- Get Inspired 7/28/07
Thanks for highlighting this show, I rarely get to see it. I found your blog through Blogging Away Debt. I'll come back and check out your blog again!
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