Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Slowly getting my life back--very slowly!!

So much has happened in the past few weeks it's hard to know where to begin. I have no real news on the debt reduction front. I haven't added to my debts which is good, but I haven't reduced them either. I do need to update my NetworthIQ to better reflect where I'm at, other than that, I do not have much to add.

I am hoping that once things settle down for me I will be able to return to reducing my debt, but currently I am in more of a survival mode. So much is in the state of flux right now my head is literally spinning. My time away did help my mental health and hopefully I will continue to regain control over my bipolar without having to go back on full blown medication. Only time will tell.

I will be adding 2 "financial" sagas I have encountered recently. The first deals with my recent trip and the refund I am requesting. The second concerns my battle with my employer concerning FMLA. Altho neither deals with debt reduction or trying to be frugal, I feel they are important to note as they deal with fighting for money that is rightly mine. Too many people allow themselves to be "walked upon" and do not fight the system(s). If there is one thing I have learned from reading other blogs it is fight for what is rightfully yours and dont be afraid to ask.

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