Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thought This was Neat

While surfing the other night I came across a few blogs that where participating in this "program"--Menu Plan Monday. What a kewl idea!!

Altho I do plan a menu (sorta), I don't go to extremes. I have a basic idea of what I want to make for the 2 weeks I shop for and go from there. I work 12 hr days 5 days a week so I cook on sundays & wenesdays for the week. Becasue of my partners schedule and family commitments I usually try and make a nice lunch for her to pop in the microwave. Saturdays and Sundays I cook for the both of us and I try and make them extra special.

Just thought I'd pass this little gem along!!

Mini-update on some changes I have made in the last few months: Have rearranged my side bar; added another affiliate program--Best Deal Magazine; added new widget to accomodate the many e-books I have come accross, some are free some are not; removed/eliminated SaveDay Progress I keep having to tap into the funds to get by due to foot/ankle injury.

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